Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Financial Crisis - A Video Explanation
What Caused it? Who Profited?
(Update: 09/29 pm, below)
This video (ht John at Powerline) is a fast paced explanation of the root causes of our current financial crisis. Please take the time to view it between now and the election, and you may want to encourage others to do so as well.

The video was posted on YouTube by a contributor there known as "The Mouth Peace." He has a Channel, with several other videos posted as well.

This one will really shock you. (Update: We have also included the the new embedded version,and upgrade. It runs just a bit slower, and is easier to follow.


New version:

Below is the url for the video on YouTube, if you want to copy it and e-mail it to any of your friends or co-workers.

Update: As noted above, The Mouth Peace has now posted an "upgrade"(II) that runs just a bit slower and is easier to follow.

The newer url:

The original url:

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